For the third year, we had the pleasure to be presenters at the Future Film Festival 2012 during the 3D DAY at Cinema Lumiere in our famous Film Library in Bologna.

This year, we presented a productive sector that, lately, also in Italy has shown a liking for the stereoscopic language for video: that is edutainment which is increasingly found in museums and Vistor centres.


In particular, we presented a short science-fiction movie called "Avventura nell'Universo invisibile" that enriches the program of the guided tour at the Visitor Center "M. Ceccarelli," close to the Radio Telescopes of Medicina (INAF-IRA), newly equipped with a system for the projection of stereoscopic video.


In this presentation, we were joined by Dr. Simona Righini, astronomer and an active supporter in the construction of this project, who also spoke of positive returns produced by this initiative. The making of the film, funded by the National Institute of Astrophysics, concept by Eng. Jader Monari (technologist), by Dr. Stefania Varano (responsible for the Visitor Center) and Eng. Marco Poloni (technologist).






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